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Home | Help & Advice | Top tips: How to save money on my heating bills

Top tips: How to save money on my heating bills


With energy bills rising across the UK, we’re no stranger to getting inventive when it comes to saving money on our heating bills. However, this doesn’t mean we have to stay bundled up in a coat indoors – there are other easy ways to save money on your heating bills, both for the short term and long term.

Let’s explore some of them that you can implement right now. 

8 tips for saving money on your heating bills 

    1. Leave the oven door open: This is a handy tip that might never have crossed your mind. Once you’ve finished cooking the dinner, why not use the heat you’ve generated and put it to good use? Simply crank open the oven door and let the remainder of the warm air help raise the temperature of your home a little.
    2. Pop the thermostat down: Even though you might be used to, or even attached to, a certain temperature, chances are you can still be cosy and comfortable with a few degrees less. Turning your thermostat down by a degree or two can, over time, really add up to save money on those heating bills.
    3. Uncover the radiators: If a big sofa or chair is covering your radiator, then you won’t be feeling the full benefits. So to prevent heat from being trapped behind furniture, why not consider rearranging your rooms a little? With just a quick shuffle round of furniture and other objects, you can uncover your radiators and give them the space they need to do their job to full effectiveness.
    4. Insulate: There’s no point pumping out the heat, only for it to be lost through your walls and roof. Bearing that in mind, it might be worth thoroughly checking over the insulation in your home, making sure it’s adequate for your needs and your property. If it can be improved, this is an investment that can really reap rewards moving into the future, especially as fuel prices continue to rise. Implementing these changes now will reward you with a warmer home that can retain the heat much better. Get a professional to check over your property and make some recommendations.
    5. Let in the light: Allow nature to do its part in heating up your home. Keep your curtains and blinds open during the day, as doing so will allow in the sunlight, warming up your interiors. Similarly, make sure to lower blinds and close curtains during the nighttime to help keep in the generated warmth. Thicker curtains or blinds have greater insulative properties which will give you the best chance of retaining heat, and are a relatively cost-effective way to add insulation to your windows.
    6. Put rugs down: Carpets and rugs are superb insulators, and so pop down a few rugs on the hard-floor areas of your home. Harder floors can also tend to feel a little colder to the touch, and so rugs will just make walking around your home that little bit more comfortable, too.
    7. Draught-proof: Over time, windows and doors can degrade over time. This may result in holes and cracks forming, which can let in draughts – making your boiler work harder to heat up your home. There are cheap ways to combat draughts, such as placing gaffer tape over the offending cracks, or by using rolled up towels and bunching them under doors. Draught excluders are also an easy option.
    8. Get cosy with wood fuel fires: Wooden logs are some of the cheapest forms of fuel on the market. Switching to a wood-burning stove or fireplace is therefore a cost-effective option that can save you money on heating long into the future. Not only this, wood-burning fires and stoves also are effective space heaters, meaning you can heat an individual room instead of hiking up the heating (and the bills) for the whole house. From an aesthetic point of view, they also add a touch of rustic charm and elegance to any home, becoming a beautiful centrepiece that your family and guests alike can enjoy.

Find your perfect wood-burning stove or fireplace with help from Enviro-Flame – we have London’s largest selection of fireplace to suit any home, any need and any budget. With over 20 years’ experience, our specialist team is here to advise on bespoke, cost-effective options to heat your home long into the future. To explore our fireplaces, just get in touch with our friendly team.

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